Saturday, June 23, 2007

Unknown Thirds blog

I was flying through the hallways at top speed, I wasn't about to let anything happen to Cati while I was gone.
Jeez, she'd better not do anything stupid...
I hope Lith's okay, and staying put...
9... 10...
I made it in record time. I guess that 15 seconds was more then enough time. I readied myself for the fight that was about to go down. I whipped out my two foot hilt that popped out into a full sword and braced myself.


At that exact moment me and Cati leaped out from around the corner and started to put our little plan into action. The one that I was going to take out heard me coming, but couldn't see me, I took advantage of her weakness and whipped my sword around and have her a solid blow to the head. She was holding her head in agony when I looked up to see what Cati was up to. She was on top of a Special trying to hold him down, she reached for his neck but he reached up and pounded her in the head with his fist. She shook it off, then grabbed his arm as it was coming down and twisted it until she popped it out of its socket.

The Special that I had hit was getting up ready to attack...

Wait... where was the third Special?

Suddenly the a burst of pain shot through my back. I twisted around to see the female Special looking right at me and she placed a solid blow right at my nose.

I decided that I was done playing games with her, I whipped out a combo on her so fast that I couldn't even see what I was doing.

She was down for the count with that one.

I smiled, then checked on Cati again.
I saw a Special on the ground, his neck broken and he was dead.

That's my girl.

She was now fighting with the third Special, I have no idea where he came from but she was holding her own against him.
Time froze, so did the Special, and grabbed the robot that tattled on us and CRACK!
Right up against the Specials head.
Time went back its normal state and Cati tossed the robot aside.
It was totally destroyed. She really hated that robot. Cati looked around for me then said,
"Whoo. Alright. Ready to do this? Gosh where are you?" I walked up to her and touched her shoulder to let her know,
"Yup. Lets just get this over with." I relpied.

Cati logged in the password.


She looked pretty mad.
"What?" She said in such a scathing tone that I practically flinched.
"Hmmm... I'll just have to rewire it." She said to to herself like it was the most simple thing in the world. Of course I was clueless.
I looked at her sort of surprised that she took it that well after her little scathing moment.
"How long will it take?" I asked.
She had busted open the little key pad and was already looking at all the little wires,
"About... 5 minutes. Maybe more. Let Lith know what's going on, then guard the hall for me okay?"
"Yeah no prob. Lith?"
"Yeeees? What's going on?"
"Well, we had to take out a couple Specials, and now Cati has to rewire the access panel to the computer room. Its going to be another 10-15 until I can come and get you okay?"
"Uhhh, yeah. Just hurry please. There are some Specials around here too." I could tell she was a little bit worried by the tone of her voice.
"Yeah, okay. If you need help then just let us know and we'll be there as soon as we can. Bye."
Cati was bent over her work and it had been about two minutes,
"How's it going?" I asked.
"Its going fine. This system is fairly old so it shouldn't take as long as I expe-"Suddenly the door slid open. She looked up at me, grinned, then said,
"I am so good."



Nudge.::.Twin said...

Whoa! You guys wrote a ton! I LUV it!!! You guys should get this stuff published. It would pretty much be a New York Times Bestseller.

Ink said...

Awwwweee!!! Thank you!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh! thanks!! that was a really sweet comment!!
